Un viaggio lungo 40 anni senza orario senza bandiera

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What apparently for many is the simple debut album of the famous New Trolls, is actually a work of art able to bring together around him different personalities and deep artistic value as Riccardo Mannerini, Fabrizio De André, Gian Piero Reverberi and the New Trolls themselves, led by Nico Di Palo and Vittorio De Scalzi. To frame, and not only, the Genoa of the sixties, a city that has always managed to fascinate writers and poets, musicians and painters.Giving space to the many doors that open as soon as you enter the musical and poetic path of Senza orario senza bandiera can mean rediscovering a world rich in shades and daring links in which poetry and music blend to form a common language, that of a generation of young people driven to discover the world.

Authors: Antonio Oleari – Renzo Stefanel

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

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