Anna Bisceglie

Anna Bisceglie graduated in foreign languages and literature and in communication sciences. He follows the multimedia communication projects of the school where he teaches. With M.Letizia Bosnjak she published Curiosando nel nostro passato (2005), a fascinating journey into the world of reading and history for elementary school students.With Roberto Saporiti she worked on the texts and research for the websites of the New Trolls Netclub, Mito New Trolls and UT New Trolls. She is the author of texts for Il Mito New Trolls, Pino Scarpettini, Andrea Cervetto and Massimo Cebrero.

Published books:
28-03-2013 – Da Caracalla a Villa Pamphilij, il prog a Roma sull’onda di Woodstock

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

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